
I often get asked where I got my name from and the truth is that it came from my husband. When I purchased my first goats years ago, my husband would tease me that I was going to turn into a crazy goat lady. He has this preconceived notion in his head that anyone who owns goats is at least a little batty. (he might have been right)

  He assumed I was going to turn into a tobacco spitting, apron wearing, toothless, braless, smelly, gnarly, barefoot, old lady who sat on my front porch shelling peas while my goats sat in my lap. I'm happy to say that so far this isn't the case, mostly not anyway. So in honor of his term the crazy goat lady I decided to use that as the name of my business, taking off the crazy cause that part is just assumed anyway. Feel free to come meet my goats and I promise I will try not to spit tobaccer on yer shoes. 

I grew up on a large secluded ranch in SW North Dakota and we had lots of livestock including cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and many  pets. I developed a lifelong love for animals and love being able to give my kids a tiny taste of that same childhood. I'm thankful that my extensive background with livestock has made my foray into owning goats very easy and natural and we are thankful each day for the privilege of being able to live a simple yet fulfilling lifestyle. 

Although we lived and were married in Colorado for our first year of marriage, my husband was born and raised here in Kalispell, MT,  so when our firstborn was born 16 years ago we headed back here to raise our family. We love enjoying Glacier National Park in our backyard and being surrounded by some of the most picturesque mountains in the world. We enjoy our children and lots of animals and we have a lot of fun seeking out adventure together, even if its just in our own backyard. 

I started making goat milk soap from our own goats abut 8 years ago and I loved it so much I decided to make lots more of it, and eventually this little business was born. We have now added in a mini Jersey Milk cow and are using her milk in our soap too and LOVING it! 

  I believe in organic and quality products that are made in the USA from ethical sources. Even our palm oil is ethically harvested and resourced from only the most reputable sources.